It dates back to prehistoric times when it was a fertility dance and it still is for many natural peoples.
The belly dance of the present centres the shaking of the hip and the belly, the total physical and mental relaxation and the harmonization of different movements. It is obviously an impromptu style; it does not focus on the creation of more and more choreographies. Everyone must find their own personality in this dance and use the movements according to their taste and strength. There are no strict rules; there is no need to move together, the basic rules are good sense of rhythm, enthusiasm, and diligence. The movements of this dance developed in order to strengthen the female body and make it flexible and limber. Participants will have a chance to explore the mysterious oriental womanhood at the lessons where folklore is enriched with modern elements and can be found together with valuable dance motives of several hundred years of age. The aim is for the dancers to find themselves in the dance, apart from finding beauty and seduction.
Instructor: Ms. Indzsi Deniz
Time: Thursday at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Location: PTE Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B)
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